Open Mon to Fri 7am to 7pm
Closed on Public Holidays

Please fill in the form below to create an order for firewood or coal.
Prices correct at February 2025, we accept payment by EFT or Cash On Delivery (COD). We will call before delivering your order to ensure that it is a convenient time. Our FREE delivery is usually on the next business day, or a day that suits you.

Your phone number:
Hard firewood for fireplace or stoves (slow burning fire wood):
1 load = 32 bags = 250kg:

Extra bag of kindling:
Extra packet of firelighters:
Anthracite (golf ball size):

Sold in 10kg easy to carry bags. Small nut only, approx golf ball size pieces.

Black Wattle (fast burning fireplace wood):

Sekelbos (braai wood):

Service with a smile:
Additional notes:



R1100 for 1 Load of Fire Wood

1 Load is 250kg of high quality dry hardwood, red river gum (an invasive species).

Call now to secure your order: 011 482 5135

Prices correct at 16 April 2024

Why use the Joburg Firewood Company for Firewood Delivery

  • Free Delivery
  • Fast Delivery
  • Free Bag of Kindling
  • Best Quality hard wood
  • Great Value Firewood
  • Quality Customer Service
  • Low Smoke Firewood


Keeping the fire burning and making sure your home is warm through out those cold winter months means you have to have a ready and steady supply of firewood. But don't settle for just anything, there are a few things you will need from your wood and your supplier to make sure you achieve your goal.



I would choose Excellent service! When my partner, in hospital with pneumonia, expressed concerns about being discharged to a chilly house, I placed an urgent firewood order but knew it may not be possible to deliver before she came home. Despite my being told that the truck was fully booked, Dean managed to get two loads of firewood to us the very next morning – beating her discharge! A million thanks….we’ve had a toasty warm house and a very happy patient.


Dr Randall



Hi David

I just wanted to say that I was super impressed with your company and the service we got from you.

This is by the best service I have had from any firewood supplier by a long way

It was great doing business with you and I will highly recommmend you to others.



Can't really think of how the service could be improved - head and shoulder above anything else experienced lately in South Africa. Bravo.


Nick, Rivonia, Johannesburg. 9 March 2022

Firewood for Stoves

Our Fire Wood is cut to 280mm lengths which is suitable for closed stoves and convenient for open fireplaces.

Well Priced Firewood

A load of firewood will cost R1100. This cost does include delivery to your home or venue (as far as our vehicle can reach) You will also receive a FREE bag of good quality kindling.

Readily Available Firewood

If you call and place your order during office hours we will have your firewood delivered to your home the very next day.

Quality Firewood

Quality firewood is easy to light and burns for a good length of time with little smoke. Our quailty wood has been seasoned for the appropriate amount of time and contains around 15% moisture, not too dry (burns too fast) and not too moist (hard to light). Ask our driver to test the moisture of the wood when he is unloading.

Hassle Free

A Sustainable Source

The wood that is delivered for use in the fireplace is generally Blue Gum, Red Saligna or a similar type of Eucalyptus. It is an advantage to cut down these trees as they are not indiginous and in the drought that we are experiencing they use far too much water. Biofuels are a sustainable source of energy.

Enough Firewood

We deliver 250kg (quarter ton) of ready cut wood in one load. This should keep you and your home warm for a while. If you have enough storage space why not order a double load, we will offer you a discount for double loads.

In addition to the firewood we will supply you with a bag of kindling which will make your fire making experience even easier.

Firewood in Johannesburg

Johannesburg is one of the greenest cities on the planet. Most of the trees and foliage have been planted by the residents of the city. Very few if any of these trees are suitable for burning as firewood and the chances of your neighbours allowing you to cut down their trees for firewood are probably zero leaving the demand for quality firewood in Johannesburg understandably high. Firewood in Johannesburg

Let us take that issue out of your hands and deliver a load of quality firewood to your door.

Firewood from a reputable supplier

Johannesburg just doesn't have enough open space and forested areas for you to go out and collect your own firewood. If you want to feed your fire through the winter months it is a good idea to find a reputable supplier that will keep you supplied with firewood for the whole season. You don't want to worry about availability and whether you will have a fire

on an evening or not.



Time is precious. A bag of wood purchased from a convenience store or petrol station seldom lasts more than one night. Even if it only takes you 5 minutes to buy a bag of wood from a convenience store, it is much more time efficient to buy in bulk, and you save, and you get free goodies from us, and we will pack it anywhere you like! (One load of firewood contains 32 bags, assuming 5 minutes to buy a bag of firewood at a convenience store you would be saving nearly 3 hours for every load that you order from us). And you know how it is, when you go to the shop for one thing you end up buying a bunch of things you don't need. Cut out the unecessary spending and time wasting by letting us deliver the load of firewood to your home.


Troubleshooting your fire

Sometimes your fire might not light and burn the way you want, or sometimes is smells unpleasant, this firewood troubleshooting page will help you rectify the problem and have a lovely bright fire in no time.

Firewood Delivery

The Firewood Delivery Company in Johannesburg are here to make sure that you don't find yourself without firewood at an inopportune moment. We want you to keep warm just as much as you would like to.


That is why we have taken the initiative to offer you a load of firewood delivered to your door... but not just to your door, we will pack it anywhere that you like. Save yourself from racing around during your lunch break looking for wood.

In the evening when you are done with your days work you can go straight home without having to stop anywhere to buy wood.

We all look for ways in which to save time, effort and money, and winter is the time when one really wants to do as little as possible and rather just stay warm at home. The Joburg Firewood company are definitely part of the solution. Have your firewood delivered and use the take a load off and just snuggle up with the one you love.

A load of firewood delivered to your home will cost R1100 and it will include a free bag of kindling to help you get that fire started quick

Vuurmaak Hout

Vir inligting oor brandhout in Afrikaans besoek gerus hierdie bladsy.



Chimney Sweeping

For chimney sweeping and chimney cleaning we recommend Chimney sweeping is useful when your chimney is not pulling properly due to a blockage or build up of soot in your chimney. It is also useful when there is a smoky smell coming from your chimney.

This page was last updated on 6 June 2024

The Johannesburg Firewood Company. For complaints and compliments please call Peter on 011 482 5135.
We operate throughout Gauteng in South Africa.